api.benefits |
api.database_builder |
api.events |
api.measures |
api.output |
api.projections |
api.scenarios |
api.static |
api.strategies |
adapter.fiat_adapter |
adapter.sfincs_adapter |
dbs_classes.dbs_benefit.DbsBenefit |
dbs_classes.dbs_event.DbsEvent |
dbs_classes.dbs_measure.DbsMeasure |
dbs_classes.dbs_projection.DbsProjection |
dbs_classes.dbs_scenario.DbsScenario |
dbs_classes.dbs_static.DbsStatic |
dbs_classes.dbs_strategy.DbsStrategy |
dbs_classes.dbs_template.DbsTemplate |
dbs_classes.database.Database |
Implementation of IDatabase class that holds the site information and has methods to get static data info, and all the input information. |
object_model.benefit.Benefit |
Object holding all attributes and methods related to a benefit analysis. |
adapter.impacts_integrator.Impacts |
All information related to the impacts of the scenario. |
object_model.scenario.Scenario |
class holding all information related to a scenario. |
object_model.strategy.Strategy |
Strategy class that holds all the information for a specific strategy. |
misc.log.FloodAdaptLogging |
misc.config.Settings |
The configuration settings for the FloodAdapt database and integrator. |
misc.config.UnitSystem |