Source code for kenmerkendewaarden.data_retrieve

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Retrieve data from ddlpy and write to netcdf files including all metadata

import os
import pandas as pd
import ddlpy
from pyproj import Transformer
import pooch
import logging
import dateutil
import hatyan
import xarray as xr

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "meas_ts": "{station}",
    "meas_ext": "{station}",
    "amount_ts": "data_amount_ts.csv",
    "amount_ext": "data_amount_ext.csv",

def retrieve_catalog(overwrite=False, crs: int = None):
    # create cache dir %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/kenmerkendewaarden/kenmerkendewaarden/Cache
    dir_cache = str(pooch.os_cache("kenmerkendewaarden"))
    os.makedirs(dir_cache, exist_ok=True)

    file_catalog_pkl = os.path.join(dir_cache, "DDL_catalog.pkl")
    if os.path.exists(file_catalog_pkl) and not overwrite:"loading DDL locations catalog from pickle")
        locations = pd.read_pickle(file_catalog_pkl)
    else:"retrieving DDL locations catalog with ddlpy")
        # include Typeringen in locations catalog
        catalog_filter = [
        locations_full = ddlpy.locations(catalog_filter=catalog_filter)
        drop_columns = [
            x for x in locations_full.columns if x.endswith(".Omschrijving")
        # drop_columns.append("Parameter_Wat_Omschrijving") # TODO: uncomment after ddlpy 0.6.0 is released:
        locations = locations_full.drop(columns=drop_columns)
        pd.to_pickle(locations, file_catalog_pkl)

    # convert coordinates to new crs
    if crs is not None:
        assert len(locations["Coordinatenstelsel"].drop_duplicates()) == 1
        epsg_in = locations["Coordinatenstelsel"].iloc[0]
        transformer = Transformer.from_crs(
            f"epsg:{epsg_in}", f"epsg:{crs}", always_xy=True
        locations["X"], locations["Y"] = transformer.transform(
            locations["X"], locations["Y"]
        locations["Coordinatenstelsel"] = str(crs)

    bool_grootheid = locations["Grootheid.Code"].isin(["WATHTE"])
    bool_groepering_ts = locations["Groepering.Code"].isin(["NVT"])
    bool_groepering_ext = locations["Groepering.Code"].isin(["GETETM2", "GETETMSL2"])
    # TODO: for now we do not separately retrieve NAP and MSL for EURPFM/LICHELGRE which have both sets (, these stations are skipped
    # bool_hoedanigheid_nap = locations["Hoedanigheid.Code"].isin(["NAP"])
    # bool_hoedanigheid_msl = locations["Hoedanigheid.Code"].isin(["MSL"])

    # filtering locations dataframe on Typering is possible because "Typeringen" was in catalog_filter for ddlpy.locations
    bool_typering_exttypes = locations["Typering.Code"].isin(["GETETTPE"])

    # select locations on grootheid/groepering/exttypes
    locs_meas_ts = locations.loc[bool_grootheid & bool_groepering_ts]
    locs_meas_ext = locations.loc[bool_grootheid & bool_groepering_ext]
    locs_meas_exttype = locations.loc[bool_typering_exttypes & bool_groepering_ext]
    return locs_meas_ts, locs_meas_ext, locs_meas_exttype

def raise_multiple_locations(locations):
    checks the amount of rows in a ddlpy.locations dataframe.
    It allows for zero stations, since this regularly happens for extremes.
    It also allows for single stations. It raises an error in case of 
    multiple stations, stricter station selection is required.
    if len(locations) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"multiple stations present after station subsetting:\n{locations}"

[docs] def retrieve_measurements_amount( dir_output: str, station_list: list, extremes: bool, start_date: pd.Timestamp, end_date: pd.Timestamp, ): """ Retrieve the amount of measurements or extremes for a single station from the DDL with ddlpy. Parameters ---------- dir_output : str Path where the measurement netcdf file will be stored. station : str station name, for instance "HOEKVHLD". extremes : bool Whether to read measurements for waterlevel timeseries or extremes. start_date : pd.Timestamp (or anything understood by pd.Timestamp) start date of the measurements to be retrieved. end_date : pd.Timestamp (or anything understood by pd.Timestamp) end date of the measurements to be retrieved. Returns ------- None """ locs_meas_ts, locs_meas_ext, locs_meas_exttype = retrieve_catalog() if extremes: fname = DICT_FNAMES["amount_ext"] locs_meas = locs_meas_ext else: fname = DICT_FNAMES["amount_ts"] locs_meas = locs_meas_ts file_csv_amount = os.path.join(dir_output, fname) if os.path.exists(file_csv_amount): raise FileExistsError( f"{file_csv_amount} already exists, delete file or change dir_output" ) # if csv file(s) do not exist, get the measurement amount from the DDL amount_list = [] for station in station_list:"retrieving measurement amount from DDL for {station}") bool_station = locs_meas.index.isin([station]) loc_meas_one = locs_meas.loc[bool_station] raise_multiple_locations(loc_meas_one) if len(loc_meas_one) == 0:"no station available (extremes={extremes})") # TODO: no ext station available for ["A12","AWGPFM","BAALHK","GATVBSLE","D15","F16","F3PFM","J6","K14PFM", # "L9PFM","MAASMSMPL","NORTHCMRT","OVLVHWT","Q1","SINTANLHVSGR","WALSODN"] # amount_meas = pd.DataFrame({station: []}, dtype="int64") = "Groeperingsperiode" else: amount_meas = ddlpy.measurements_amount( location=loc_meas_one.iloc[0], start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date ) amount_meas = amount_meas.rename(columns={"AantalMetingen": station}) amount_list.append(amount_meas)"write measurement amount csvs to {os.path.basename(dir_output)}") df_amount = pd.concat(amount_list, axis=1).sort_index() df_amount = df_amount.fillna(0).astype(int) df_amount.to_csv(file_csv_amount)
[docs] def read_measurements_amount(dir_output: str, extremes: bool): """ Read the measurements amount csv into a dataframe. Parameters ---------- dir_output : str Path where the measurements are stored. extremes : bool Whether to read measurements amount for waterlevel timeseries or extremes. Returns ------- df_amount : pd.DataFrame DataFrame with the amount of measurements per year. """ if extremes: fname = DICT_FNAMES["amount_ext"] else: fname = DICT_FNAMES["amount_ts"] file_csv_amount = os.path.join(dir_output, fname) if not os.path.exists(file_csv_amount): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{file_csv_amount} does not exist")"found existing data amount csv files, loading with pandas") df_amount = pd.read_csv(file_csv_amount) df_amount = df_amount.set_index("Groeperingsperiode") return df_amount
[docs] def retrieve_measurements( dir_output: str, station: str, extremes: bool, start_date: pd.Timestamp, end_date: pd.Timestamp, drop_if_constant: list = None, ): """ Retrieve timeseries with measurements or extremes for a single station from the DDL with ddlpy. Parameters ---------- dir_output : str Path where the measurement netcdf file will be stored. station : str station name, for instance "HOEKVHLD". extremes : bool Whether to read measurements for waterlevel timeseries or extremes. start_date : pd.Timestamp (or anything understood by pd.Timestamp) start date of the measurements to be retrieved. end_date : pd.Timestamp (or anything understood by pd.Timestamp) end date of the measurements to be retrieved. drop_if_constant : list, optional A list of columns to drop if the row values are constant, to save disk space. The default is None. Returns ------- None """ locs_meas_ts, locs_meas_ext, locs_meas_exttype = retrieve_catalog() if drop_if_constant is None: drop_if_constant = [ "WaarnemingMetadata.OpdrachtgevendeInstantieLijst", "WaarnemingMetadata.BemonsteringshoogteLijst", "WaarnemingMetadata.ReferentievlakLijst", "AquoMetadata_MessageID", "BioTaxonType", "BemonsteringsSoort.Code", "Compartiment.Code", "Eenheid.Code", "Grootheid.Code", "Hoedanigheid.Code", "WaardeBepalingsmethode.Code", "MeetApparaat.Code", ] bool_station_ts = locs_meas_ts.index.isin([station]) bool_station_ext = locs_meas_ext.index.isin([station]) bool_station_exttype = locs_meas_exttype.index.isin([station]) loc_meas_ts_one = locs_meas_ts.loc[bool_station_ts] loc_meas_ext_one = locs_meas_ext.loc[bool_station_ext] loc_meas_exttype_one = locs_meas_exttype.loc[bool_station_exttype] if extremes: fname = DICT_FNAMES["meas_ext"].format(station=station) loc_meas_one = loc_meas_ext_one freq = dateutil.rrule.YEARLY else: fname = DICT_FNAMES["meas_ts"].format(station=station) loc_meas_one = loc_meas_ts_one freq = dateutil.rrule.MONTHLY file_nc = os.path.join(dir_output, fname) # retrieving waterlevel extremes or timeseries if os.path.exists(file_nc): f"meas data (extremes={extremes}) for {station} already available in " f"{os.path.basename(dir_output)}, skipping station" ) return raise_multiple_locations(loc_meas_one) if len(loc_meas_one) == 0:"no station available (extremes={extremes}), skipping station") return f"retrieving meas data (extremes={extremes}) from DDL for {station} to {os.path.basename(dir_output)}" ) measurements = ddlpy.measurements( location=loc_meas_one.iloc[0], start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, freq=freq, ) if measurements.empty: raise ValueError("[NO DATA]") ds_meas = ddlpy.dataframe_to_xarray(measurements, drop_if_constant) if extremes: # convert extreme type to HWLWcode add extreme type and HWLcode as dataset variables # TODO: simplify by retrieving the extreme value and type from ddl in a single request: measurements_exttyp = ddlpy.measurements( location=loc_meas_exttype_one.iloc[0], start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, freq=freq, ) ts_meas_ext_pd = hatyan.ddlpy_to_hatyan(measurements, measurements_exttyp) ds_meas["extreme_type"] = xr.DataArray( ts_meas_ext_pd["values"].values, dims="time" ) ds_meas["HWLWcode"] = xr.DataArray( ts_meas_ext_pd["HWLWcode"].values, dims="time" ) # write to netcdf (including metadata) ds_meas.to_netcdf(file_nc, format="NETCDF4_CLASSIC") ds_meas.close()
def xarray_to_hatyan(ds): """ converting the xarray dataset in the format of the kenmerkendewaarden netcdf files to a hatyan dataframe. This saves memory and prevents converting it multiple times in the kenmerkendewaarden code when passing it to hatyan. """ df = pd.DataFrame( { "values": ds["Meetwaarde.Waarde_Numeriek"].to_pandas() / 100, "qualitycode": ds[ "WaarnemingMetadata.KwaliteitswaardecodeLijst" ].to_pandas(), "status": ds["WaarnemingMetadata.StatuswaardeLijst"].to_pandas(), } ) if "HWLWcode" in ds.data_vars: df["HWLWcode"] = ds["HWLWcode"] # convert timezone back to UTC+1 df.index = df.index.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert("Etc/GMT-1") # add attrs df.attrs["station"] = ds.attrs["Code"] return df def drop_duplicate_times(df_meas): """ First drop all duplicate time-value-combinations and then all duplicate times. The second step makes the first step redundant, but the distinction is still visible in the logging which is valuable for assessing the data. """ # drop unique time-value-combinations df_meas_withtime = df_meas.copy() df_meas_withtime['time'] = df_meas.index dupl_timevals = df_meas_withtime.duplicated(keep="first") df_meas_clean1 = df_meas.loc[~dupl_timevals] nrows_dropped1 = len(df_meas) - len(df_meas_clean1) if nrows_dropped1 > 0: logger.warning( f"{nrows_dropped1} rows with duplicated time-value-combinations dropped" ) # drop unique times that have unique values dupl_times = df_meas_clean1.index.duplicated(keep="first") df_meas_clean2 = df_meas_clean1.loc[~dupl_times] nrows_dropped2 = len(df_meas_clean1) - len(df_meas_clean2) if nrows_dropped2 > 0: logger.warning( f"{nrows_dropped2} rows with duplicated times dropped (unique values dropped)" ) return df_meas_clean2
[docs] def read_measurements( dir_output: str, station: str, extremes: bool, return_xarray: bool = False, nap_correction: bool = False, drop_duplicates: bool = False, ): """ Read the measurements netcdf as a dataframe. Parameters ---------- dir_output : str Path where the measurements are stored. station : str station name, for instance "HOEKVHLD". extremes : bool Whether to read measurements for waterlevel timeseries or extremes. return_xarray : bool, optional Whether to return raw xarray.Dataset instead of a DataFrame. No support for nap_correction and drop_duplicates. The default is False. nap_correction : bool, optional Whether to correct for NAP2005. The default is False. drop_duplicates : bool, optional Whether to drop duplicated timesteps. The default is False. Returns ------- df_meas : pd.DataFrame DataFrame with the measurements or extremes timeseries. """ if extremes: fname = DICT_FNAMES["meas_ext"].format(station=station) else: fname = DICT_FNAMES["meas_ts"].format(station=station) file_nc = os.path.join(dir_output, fname) if not os.path.exists(file_nc): # return None if file does not exist"file {fname} not found, returning None") return"loading {fname}") ds_meas = xr.open_dataset(file_nc) if return_xarray: return ds_meas df_meas = xarray_to_hatyan(ds_meas) # back to centimeters df_meas['values'] *= 100 if drop_duplicates: df_meas = drop_duplicate_times(df_meas) if nap_correction: # TODO: not available for all stations df_meas = nap2005_correction(df_meas) return df_meas
def clip_timeseries_physical_break(df_meas): # TODO: move to csv file and add as package data # physical_break_dict for slotgemiddelden and overschrijdingsfrequenties TODO: maybe use everywhere to crop data? physical_break_dict = { "DENOVBTN": "1933", # laatste sluitgat afsluitdijk in 1932 "HARLGN": "1933", # laatste sluitgat afsluitdijk in 1932 "VLIELHVN": "1933", # laatste sluitgat afsluitdijk in 1932 } # TODO: add physical_break for STAVNSE and KATSBTN? (Oosterscheldekering) station = df_meas.attrs["station"] if station not in physical_break_dict.keys(): f"no physical_break defined for {station}, returning input timeseries" ) return df_meas physical_break = physical_break_dict[station] assert isinstance(physical_break, str) f"clipping timeseries for {station} before physical_break={physical_break}" ) df_meas = df_meas.loc[physical_break:] return df_meas def nap2005_correction(df_meas): # NAP correction for dates before 1-1-2005 # TODO: check if ths make a difference (for havengetallen it makes a slight difference so yes. For gemgetijkromme it only makes a difference for spring/doodtij. (now only applied at gemgetij en havengetallen)). If so, make this flexible per station, where to get the data or is the RWS data already corrected for it? # herdefinitie van NAP (~20mm voor HvH in fig2, relevant?): # Dit is de rapportage waar het gebruik voor PSMSL data voor het eerst beschreven is: # TODO: maybe move dict to csv file and add as package data dict_correct_nap2005 = {"HOEKVHLD": -0.0277, "HARVT10": -0.0210, "VLISSGN": -0.0297} station = df_meas.attrs["station"] if station not in dict_correct_nap2005.keys(): raise KeyError(f"NAP2005 correction not defined for {station}")"applying NAP2005 correction for {station}") correct_value = dict_correct_nap2005[station] df_meas_corr = df_meas.copy( deep=True ) # make copy to avoid altering the original dataframe before2005bool = df_meas_corr.index < pd.Timestamp("2005-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00") df_meas_corr.loc[before2005bool, "values"] = ( df_meas_corr.loc[before2005bool, "values"] + correct_value ) return df_meas_corr