A collection combines header and borehole data and ensures that they remain aligned when applying methods. |
Add a column from the header to the data table. |
Change the horizontal reference (i.e. coordinate reference system, crs) of the collection to the given target crs. |
Change the vertical reference of the collection object's surface levels |
Two-way check to warn of any misalignment between the header and data attributes. |
Get a subset of a collection through a string or iterable of object id(s). |
Find in which area (polygons) the point data locations fall. |
Get the cumulative thickness of layers where a column contains a specified search value or values. |
Find the depth at which a specified layer first occurs. |
Refresh the header based on the loaded data in case the header got messed up. |
Select from using a manual condition that results in a boolean mask. |
Select data from depth constraints. |
Select data from length constraints: e.g. all boreholes between 50 and 150 m long. |
Select data based on the presence of given values in a given column. |
Make a selection of the collection based on line geometries. |
Make a selection of the collection based on point geometries. |
Make a selection of the collection based on a bounding box. |
Make a selection of the collection based on polygon geometries. |
Slice rows from data based on matching condition. |
Slice data based on given upper and lower boundaries. |
Export the data or header table to a csv file. |
Export all data to the core "Data" class of Deltares DataFusionTools. |
Write header and data to a geopackage. |
Write header data to geoparquet. |
Write data to 2 csv files: interval data and time-depth chart, |
Create a Pyvista MultiBlock object from the data that can be used for 3D plotting and other spatial analyses. |
Export the data or header table to a parquet file. |
Write data to geopackage file that can be directly loaded in the Qgis2threejs plugin. |
Write header data to shapefile. |
Save data as VTM (Multiblock file, an XML VTK file pointing to multiple other VTK files) for viewing in external GUI software like ParaView or other VTK viewers. |
The collection's data. |
Boolean indicating whether there are inclined objects within the collection |
The collection's header. |
Coordinate reference system represented by an instance of |
Number of objects in the collection. |
Vertical datum represented by an instance of |