
BRO api#

get_bro_objects_from_bbox(object_type, xmin, ...)

Directly download objects from the BRO to a geost collection object based on the given bounding box

get_bro_objects_from_geometry(object_type, ...)

Directly download objects from the BRO to a geost collection object based on given geometries such as points, lines or polygons.

Data in tabular format (e.g. csv, parquet)#

read_borehole_table(file[, ...])

Read tabular borehole information.

read_cpt_table(file[, horizontal_reference, ...])

Read tabular CPT information.


Read NLog boreholes from the 'nlog_stratstelsel' Excel file.

read_uullg_tables(header_table, data_table)

Read the header and data tables from UU-LLG boreholes (see: EasyDans KNAW) from a local csv or parquet file into a GeoST BoreholeCollection object.

base.Collection.to_csv(outfile[, data_table])

Export the data or header table to a csv file.

base.Collection.to_parquet(outfile[, data_table])

Export the data or header table to a parquet file.

Data from specific file formats#


Read one or more GEF files of CPT data into a geost CptCollection.

GIS vector files#

read_collection_geopackage(filepath, ...[, ...])

Read a GeoST stored Geopackage file of geost.base.Collection objects.

base.Collection.to_geopackage(outfile[, ...])

Write header and data to a geopackage.

base.Collection.to_geoparquet(outfile, **kwargs)

Write header data to geoparquet.

base.Collection.to_shape(outfile, **kwargs)

Write header data to shapefile.

Data in binary format (e.g. pickle)#

read_pickle(filepath, **kwargs)

Read pickled GeoST object (or any object) from file.