

spatial.find_area_labels(point_geodataframe, ...)

Function to find labels associated with polygon geometries for a series of queried point geometries.

spatial.get_raster_values(x, y, raster_to_read)

Return sampled values from a raster at the given (x, y) locations.

spatial.select_points_near_lines(gdf, ...[, ...])

Make a selection of point geometries based on line geometries and a buffer.

spatial.select_points_near_points(gdf, ...)

Make a selection of point geometries based on point geometries and a buffer.

spatial.select_points_within_bbox(gdf, xmin, ...)

Make a selection of point geometries based on a user-given bounding box.

spatial.select_points_within_polygons(gdf, ...)

Make a selection of point geometries based on polygon geometries and an optional buffer.


Model Utils#


Label consecutive array elements with unique numbers along a specified axis in a 2D array.

models.model_utils.sample_with_coords(ds, coords)

Sample x and y dims of an Xarray Dataset or DataArray using an array of x and y coordinates.

models.model_utils.sample_along_line(ds, line)

Sample x and y dims of an Xarray Dataset or DataArray over distance along a Shapely LineString object.