
FloodAdapt can simulate future climate and socio-economic conditions.

Figure 1: FloodAdapt can simulate future climate projections - sea level rise, increased tropical storm frequencies, precipitation changes, and socio-economic projections - population growth and economic growth

On the Projections Tab in FloodAdapt, click ‘Add Projection’ to open the projections window (see Figure 2)

Figure 2: Projections window on the Projections tab in FloodAdapt

In this window you can specify a climate projection, a socio-economic projection, or a combination (for example: 10% population growth with 1 foot of SLR).

Click the following links to learn more about how climate and socio-economic projections can be specified in FloodAdapt, and how they are represented in the modeling.

Climate projections

Socio-economic projections

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